How to organize favorites in the browser panel

You can reorganize your favorite directory if required. That means that you can rename folders and files, create new folders or delete files or folders.

How it works:

1. Click on the symbol Show favorites in the browser toolbar. The dialogue Favoriten verwalten will be opened immediately.
2. At the right-hand side of the dialogue you can see the present structure of your favorite directory. At the left-hand side you see some statistical information about the directory and several buttons to proceed: Ordner erstellen, Umbenennen, Verschieben in und L÷schen.
3. Click on the button Ordner erstellen if you want to add a new folder to your directory. The new folder will appear immediately in the right-hand side directory so you can rename it.
4. Click on the button Umbenennen if you want to rename a certain folder. The folder you have chosen will be highlighted and you can rename it.
5. If you want to move a folder or file to another folder just mark it by a mouseclick and then click on the button Verschieben in. The window Ordner suchen will be opened. Click on the folder you want to move your selected folder or file to. Verify your entries with OK. The window will be closed. The view of your directory will be updated immediately.
6. If you want to delete a folder or file first mark it by a mouseclick and then click on the button L÷schen. The object chosen will be deleted immediately

In the dialog you can also activate the function Offline verfⁿgbar machen at the checkbox. If activated you can also reach that website in the offline mode.

You can find further information under:

Add favorite symbol
Show favorites symbol (Browser toolbar)
How to save favorites in the browser panel